Monday, February 9, 2009

Stimulus to Create or Save Three Million Jobs

What the heck does Obama’s assertion that his spending bill (this is the stimulus bill to the ignorant) will create or save three million jobs mean? This is as insane as Bill Clinton arguing what the meaning of “is,” is. What a bunch of junk.

This claim can not be disproved. There is no way for anyone to ever claim that Obama’s plan failed to create or save three million jobs. If just one new job is created, then Obama can claim success. If working Americans continue to lose their jobs his plan will still be proclaimed a success. If nothing happens then his plan also succeeds. The following scenarios will help you understand what I mean.

Scenario 1: One new job is created; shoveling poop from circus horses. (I apologize to those of you who shovel horse poop at a circus, but don't you have to wonder what went wrong in your life?)
My fellow Americans, I told you that my administration would bring change you can believe in. I told you that my stimulus package would result in saving or creating jobs. I stand before you today to say we have succeeded. Because of my stimulus package, three million and one jobs were saved. (President Obama at any point in the future)

Scenario 2: The economy remains stagnate; no change.
My fellow Americans, I told you that my administration would bring change you can believe in. I told you that my stimulus package would result in saving jobs. I stand before you today to say we have succeeded. Because of my stimulus package, 3 million jobs were saved. (President Obama at any point in the future)

Scenario 3: Three Million jobs are lost, America enters a deep depression.
My fellow Americans, I told you that my administration would bring change you can believe in. I told you that my stimulus package would result in saving jobs. I stand before you today to say we have succeeded. (You see, Obama can argue three million jobs were saved because without his stimulus, six million jobs would be lost instead of only three. (President Obama at any point in the future)

You see my friends; Obama’s claim to save or create three million jobs is absurd and cannot be proven a failure. Vice President Biden gives this plan a 30% chance of failure and today President Obama admitted his plan isn’t anywhere near perfect. Well for crying out loud, if you know going into something that it is not perfect, why not fix it first. Call me crazy, but what is wrong with creating a stimulus package that, at a minimum, you (as a President) believe is perfect. Can you imagine driving over a bridge that has a big sign saying, “It’s not perfect,” I doubt you would take that bridge; the consequences of failure would be disastrous.

We are being told to spend unprecedented amounts of tax payer dollars on mainly socialist programs. If we refuse, then Obama claims we risk delving into a depression we won’t be able to recover from (Oh no! I better vote for it or America will never recover). The playing on fears and the hardships many Americans are facing is shameful. Demand better.

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